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Mato Anomalies - PlayStation 5

$29.99  Save $22.17 off MSRP
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Mato Anomalies - PlayStation 5 Find clues throughout Mato by talking to NPCs, taking on missions and visiting shops to pinpoint Rifts, portals to the demonic creatures attacking the city. Enter at your peril and defeat them in battle and collect abundant rewards Traverse across Mato, a neo-futuristic version of Old Shanghai. Beneath its surface lies another world. Discover Rifts which act as portals into a place beyond space and time, filled with powerful enemies The enemy of your enemy is your friend. Difficult circumstances make for unlikely friendships. Find new allies during your investigations and gain their trust through conversation and shared experiences Mato Anomalies provides a unique and challenging battle experience highlighted by shared health across all team members, gear matrix and dual-talent system. A unique combat strategy will be needed if you want to succeed

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