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Train Life: A Railway Simulator - The Orient-Express Edition - Nintendo Switch

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$23.99  Save $26.00 off MSRP
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Train Life: A Railway Simulator - The Orient-Express Edition - Nintendo Switch Drive faithfully reproduced iconic trains, such as the ICE 3, ICE 4 and NEWAG Griffin Create and customize your own trains, from their outer appearance to your cab interior Manage your company: hire conductors, choose contracts, build your network, maintain your locomotives to prevent breakdowns and emergency repairs Travel 10,000 kilometers of track through the towns and country sides of Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and the Alps region Visit a wide range of true-to-life stations, such as Berlin Central Station, Zurich Main Station, and the Gare du Nord in Paris Follow the railway signage while adapting to the switches and managing speed, track changes, braking distances, station arrivals, and the opening and closing of doors Handle unexpected situations, such as a tree on the line, snow build-up on the tracks, or another train on your track Adapt your driving to the weather conditions and the time of day to prevent accidents The will include the 1920’s Orient-Express Train, the 231 C Nord Steam Locomotive, 6 exclusive scenarios, the Paris-Vienna Road, and the Vienna and Strasbourg train stations.

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