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Mom Chalkboard Walmart Gift eCard

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Easy to Order Click "Customize" above, and fill in the information on the next page. Double-check the recipient's email address for accuracy. We'll send the recipient an email that includes the Walmart eGift Card number, PIN and instructions for use on and Barcode, and instructions for use in stores. Walmart eGift Cards are sent via email, immediately or within 48 hours at most. Easy to Use Online, enter gift card number and PIN during checkout. The PIN provides secure online shopping. Save your Gift Cards as one of your payment options. Enter the information once — it's saved to your account for convenient access when you make purchases. Check Walmart eGift Card balance online. More Information For purchases at Walmart stores, and at Sam's Club and by SAM's Club members. No expiration date (subject to applicable law). Not returnable or refundable for cash except in states where required by law. By purchasing this eGift card, you agree to Gift Card Terms and Conditions.

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